Shut up bitch!
There's a certain line you just don't cross, and you've fucking crossed it!
Honestly i'm exhausted
What's your problem?
Why you trying to act big infront of everyone!
The issues you have caused, have just fucked everyone up!
How could you?
Just leave him, and love that dick out the blue!!
Are you out of your mind!!
Am I too loud for you?
Too bad bitch your gonna hear me out this time,
Shut the fuck up and let me talk,
I maybe younger than you,
but man i have more common sense!
Money Money Money, that's all it's ever about.
God i'm surprised he hasn't already left you
and payed his fucking ass out!
Man this fucking is fustrating,
My heart is aching!
I'll look after the babies,
and sheild them from the hurt.
You get back to living in the fancy house of yours.
I hope you rot in the fucking floorboards!
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Hurt Me Soul
How could you be so heartless.
Once again the dishonesty has not gone in the family, YOU'VE carried it on!
How do I escape from such hurt?
When I have already been through this before!
YOU'RE not even going ahead with this for the right reasons!
YOU'RE so fucking selfish, what about the young people, who are going to be hurt through this?
There the innocent ones, but YOU'RE making them go through the intense PAIN!!
What can I say, I'm disappointed, I thought you were decent and you were good to the family!
The money should not be the main factor to leave someone, Jesus, could you be anymore Fucking Shallow!!
I Know He Is Living In Hell Every Single Day!!
Oh God, is there anyway I can take his place?
Everything is temporary, but rest your head, I'm permanent!
Well I suppose that is 15 years down the drain! What a waste!
I honestly don't think I could be anymore angry!
Well it will surely change.!
How could you be so sick! You're a disgrace
I never want to see your face again!
I will take care of the little ones, I'll make sure they have support, as I know how it feels to be let down by the person closest to you!
You just get on with your life.
The teacher wont teach you know more, your mother wont feed you
You've lost all respect.!!
For the little ones a message of support!!
It's a brand new day.
The sun is shining.
I know, you'll be okay.
You make your past the past.
You have to fall in order to mend.
Every story has a hero, So rise above and take that role.
I love You.
Stay Strong.
Once again the dishonesty has not gone in the family, YOU'VE carried it on!
How do I escape from such hurt?
When I have already been through this before!
YOU'RE not even going ahead with this for the right reasons!
YOU'RE so fucking selfish, what about the young people, who are going to be hurt through this?
There the innocent ones, but YOU'RE making them go through the intense PAIN!!
What can I say, I'm disappointed, I thought you were decent and you were good to the family!
The money should not be the main factor to leave someone, Jesus, could you be anymore Fucking Shallow!!
I Know He Is Living In Hell Every Single Day!!
Oh God, is there anyway I can take his place?
Everything is temporary, but rest your head, I'm permanent!
Well I suppose that is 15 years down the drain! What a waste!
I honestly don't think I could be anymore angry!
Well it will surely change.!
How could you be so sick! You're a disgrace
I never want to see your face again!
I will take care of the little ones, I'll make sure they have support, as I know how it feels to be let down by the person closest to you!
You just get on with your life.
The teacher wont teach you know more, your mother wont feed you
You've lost all respect.!!
For the little ones a message of support!!
It's a brand new day.
The sun is shining.
I know, you'll be okay.
You make your past the past.
You have to fall in order to mend.
Every story has a hero, So rise above and take that role.
I love You.
Stay Strong.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Should I Tell Someone?
If someone told me that a friend of mine, his sister was getting bullied at her primary school, should I take the responsibility to tell her parents, even if today when I saw her at an athletics tournament she seemed to be happy and cheerful to me??
However, being a sports coach, I feel that I know have an even bigger responsibility because I used to coach her?
Should I take a blind eye pretend I never heard anything and continue to let her get bullied or should I say something?
But what if i am wrong and she is fine and I get the person who told me in deep trouble. That person is very close to me, sister of my best friend to be precise and she's much younger too which means she probably doesn't understand!
Hmmmmmm..... Shitttttttttttttttt.
However, being a sports coach, I feel that I know have an even bigger responsibility because I used to coach her?
Should I take a blind eye pretend I never heard anything and continue to let her get bullied or should I say something?
But what if i am wrong and she is fine and I get the person who told me in deep trouble. That person is very close to me, sister of my best friend to be precise and she's much younger too which means she probably doesn't understand!
Hmmmmmm..... Shitttttttttttttttt.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Come and Lay With Me

I Love You,

Aww shit, man i really don't wanna leave school! It's times like these i will never forgett ----->
It's what makes school that extra bit special! I'm gonna miss everyone so much, and just writing in the leavers book really lets me know how many memories i have had at Robert May's.
So many to think about!! Not all of them happy, but it has been an absolute blast!!
Friday, is going to be the saddest day ever!! Saying goodbye to all my chums is gonna be the hardest thing i have ever had to do! But it has to be done.................... I suppose
Monday, 11 May 2009
:O Only 4 Days Left
I can not believe how quickly school has gone past, the best 5 years of my life!
Made so many awesome freinds that i know i will stay close to!! It's a piss take to be honest, never really did any work, up until till now. REVISION REVISION REVISION,,,, Oh wait and a bit more revision!!
School has been awesome though!! Along the years I have picked up so many sporting trophys it's ridiculous!! I think I counted 20, and nearly all of them were gold!! :D
Hey ho, I will miss Robert May's soo much, I hate change! College is going to be so difficult.! But I can't wait for the partyssss!! Wooop Woooooop.
Hmmmmmm anywaysss I'm off to bedddd!!
P.s Dougg sorry i took your sharpy I will give it to you tomorow trust :)
Made so many awesome freinds that i know i will stay close to!! It's a piss take to be honest, never really did any work, up until till now. REVISION REVISION REVISION,,,, Oh wait and a bit more revision!!
School has been awesome though!! Along the years I have picked up so many sporting trophys it's ridiculous!! I think I counted 20, and nearly all of them were gold!! :D
Hey ho, I will miss Robert May's soo much, I hate change! College is going to be so difficult.! But I can't wait for the partyssss!! Wooop Woooooop.
Hmmmmmm anywaysss I'm off to bedddd!!
P.s Dougg sorry i took your sharpy I will give it to you tomorow trust :)
Monday, 4 May 2009
Last night was a freind's birthday, we went out in Basingstoke, had a meal in Coal and went back to hers were we watched Twilight, awesome film. As I was traveling home with my mummy this morning we stopped in tescos to pick up the usual, sour skittles and peanut satay sauce!! We were then off home, traveling back to the excitement of Four Marks (place to be!!) Before we reached the Oak Park Bungalow we stopped in a petrol station. As Mummy Twine was filling up Audrie the Audi I looked up an saw a nun (in her 70's) struggling to undo the cap on her car, so being me i stepped out of the car to lend a helping hand, she gave me a huge grin and said i was 'Very kind'.
As I got back in the car I thought to myself about what a good deed I just did, nobody else was helping her not even middle age people, who are meant to set people like me an example. When i got home i thought about it much more, and i have decided that lots of people are very harsh on our generation, 'The Hoodies' shall i say and at the end of everything i still think were the ones who help out society most!! Yes, we do get drunk, and yes some people do take drugs and smoke, but at then end of the day, you would be lying if you told me that you didn't do that when you was my age.
Whenever I walk past someone I always smile at them, and when they don't smile pack it really upsets me. People like that are very stereotypically they haven't given me a chance, and when i smile at them, i would have thought that i have reassured them that i am not harmless like the media likes to make out.
Thinking back to the petrol station incident, there were loads of people there and all of them were older than me, and yet I was the only one, who could be bothered to get out of the car and help out the the poor little old nun.
Just Give Us A Bit Of Slack!!
As I got back in the car I thought to myself about what a good deed I just did, nobody else was helping her not even middle age people, who are meant to set people like me an example. When i got home i thought about it much more, and i have decided that lots of people are very harsh on our generation, 'The Hoodies' shall i say and at the end of everything i still think were the ones who help out society most!! Yes, we do get drunk, and yes some people do take drugs and smoke, but at then end of the day, you would be lying if you told me that you didn't do that when you was my age.
Whenever I walk past someone I always smile at them, and when they don't smile pack it really upsets me. People like that are very stereotypically they haven't given me a chance, and when i smile at them, i would have thought that i have reassured them that i am not harmless like the media likes to make out.
Thinking back to the petrol station incident, there were loads of people there and all of them were older than me, and yet I was the only one, who could be bothered to get out of the car and help out the the poor little old nun.
Just Give Us A Bit Of Slack!!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Isn't It Funny!
I have spent most of my easter holidays revising, four hours a day. I have now come to the point were i am so excited for school tomorrow just so that I don't have to do anymore revision.. It's driving me crazy and I have only been doing it 2 weeks, its ridiculous.
Four weeks until my P.E exam.... Oh Shitt!!
Isn't it funny how most people hate school but I in fact can't wait to get back in that classroom!! Even if it's just to piss around! I wont tho because I never do!
Four weeks until my P.E exam.... Oh Shitt!!
Isn't it funny how most people hate school but I in fact can't wait to get back in that classroom!! Even if it's just to piss around! I wont tho because I never do!
Don't Give Up Gemmm Gemmmmm!!
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Sex Ed Vs Pornography
Hmmm should indecent pictures of mens penises be shown on the T.V at 9? Who cares!! The Sex Education show is one of the best programmes I have ever see. It's absolutely genius, so funny..... With grandma's talking about vibrators and sex toys, I can't think of anything more worthwhile watching! Fellow friends please watch it tomorrow it is so good!! :D Channel 4, 9PM Do it!!
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Worst Day Ever!
My day simply couldn't have been any worse!
The pressure to do everything has just got to me too much! People just expect me to everything, when it is not physically possible, and even with having a back so bad I need to see a physio twice a month, some people still think it's okay for me to continue playing. I do indeed love my sport but I can not do after school revision and matches at the same time, especially when people are giving up there time to help me. After all my exams are in two months.
What do i do? I really don't wanna let down my teams they mean the world to me. I guess right now I'm gonna have to do things for me for a change and do what I want to do.
Let's just hope everyone understands!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Reading Fest.
Somebody's going to Reading Festival...... Well that would be me! :)
Woop, I can't actually wait. Me and my two best friends Jamie and Jake will leave for Reading on August 23rd around 6 o'clock to get the train from Winchfield station to reading. Were we will walk to the festival, and then finally at around 12 o'clock midnight we will return to jamie's house were i will kip for the night!.
It's is gonna be so good. Hopefully we will be rocking out to Blink 182 but its not certain just yet. Although that could be pretty cool!!
A day of watching people getting drunk and getting high what could be more fun!!??
Will anyone else be attending the Festival??
Friday, 20 March 2009
Metro Station.
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, Shh Shake It!.
So here it is my new favorite band, Metro Station. Jimmy Eat World however are still there, up at the top doing me proud. Loving them always! :D
When i was asked to go and listen to Metro Station I was not very convinced about them. However, after searching through Spotify (thanks doug that website is awesome) I listened to there only album, and fell in love almost suddenly. The first song i listened to was 'Shake It'.
No joke you need to go and listen to them, they're so good! Just up my street :D
Go Search There Awesome
Thursday, 19 March 2009
ICT Coursework Finished!! :D WOOP
Ah yeah! Finally it's all finished and I'm free to work on the subjects that actually mean something to me. Geography, P.e, Science, English ;) and Maths.
Im sorry but Ethics has to be the most pointless subject in the world. Actually that is unfair, ethics isn't pointless it teaches you about drugs and abortions but the rest is all bullshit!! It causes me frustration.... and well embarrassment, because when i ever get my results back it's either a G, or a high scoring F! Hate it!!
Damn you ethics.......!
Revision all the way now, I'm gonna try my hardest get the best grades i possibly can, well hopefully anyway, and with a little bit of help i should be on my way! Off to college and well hopefully to Loughborough Uni to study P.E and Geography. Finally become a P.E teacher.
Im Dreaming Big, But Miracles Can Always Happen!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Shrine Post
Today I have realized that my friends mean the absolute world to me, I'm so lucky to have them! They keep me on track and let me no when I am being an absolute TIT.
It has taken me a complete age to think of someone to be put in the spotlight, and to be properly admired for what they have achieved. However, i have come up with the conclusion that no one deserves this more than my friends and the people who mean so much to me!!
Well maybe i have been a complete idiot for a while, i suppose you could call me whatever name you wanted. But at the end of the day, who doesn't have stress in their life?!
If you do have stress don't turn to cigarettes like I did! What was i thinking? Seriously, i don't think i was thinking properly when i came up with that genius idea!!
Today has to be the worst day of my entire life, I cant think of anything worse then falling out with people and being scared that I would loose my place in the netball team (it means so much to me). I deserved it though I have to be honest!
Im loosing track on everything, I need to start concentrating on my school work more. NO one likes the new Gemma, well i certainly don't thats for sure! Sport, school and friends needs to come first over everything from now on, not necessarily in that order!!
After having a chat with my two most valued sports teachers, i have learnt that smoking is not the answer to everything and that staying positive and being the real me is the way forward.
I have my friends to thank for everything and that is why i believe they deserve to be in my shrine post, I love them so very much and can't stop thinking of ways in which i should thank them!
I have learnt a lot today. Always put my sport first, it means so much to me, why ruin it? I also need to put more effort in my school work, just like my favorite english teacher EVER said to the class today (I'm so sorry for being a pain, you'll notice a change i promise, no more walks before lessons) Well, finally, my friends, I'm so lucky to have you guys and from now on I will always value your opinion! Thank you for being there. I Love You.
So there it is, it has taken me a while to come to the conclusion of who deserves it the most, but i believe that all the people mentioned in this blog deserve the spotlight! I SALUTE YOU ALL!
I hope this is good enough!????
A Change Will Happen
I Promise
Monday, 2 March 2009
It's Only Fair.
Suz is the one i talk sports with, we play football together on a Sunday morning, and she's awesome.... Even if i did take her place on the football team as the keeper, (sorry for that but your certainly better out pitch!!)
In the summer we do a bit rounders. The throw that girl has got his bloody amazing if i don't say so myself, and the hit jeese man that is solid!! Oh, wait i cant forget about are frisbee challenge experience! :D I suppose you could say that I'm better at her than football, netball, badminton and basketball... but frisbee challenge i certainly am not! (just kidding about me being better at football, netball, badminton and basketball, even though i probably am! JOKES!!)
I never thought i could say as many things as i have done, I could write a million other things but I'm sure this will do for now! :) Just now about my sporting legend, but the matter is i do love this girl 100%, and will certainly miss her when we go our separate ways!! :(:(
Finally, one more thing i would like to say, I'm so lucky to have met her she is a true hero and will never forget her.
She's a great Friend!
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Saturday, 14 February 2009
George and Lennie
My Best Friend just spoilt the book!
Not only am i annoyed but im pissed off!
I can't believe it! I loved that book and now i know the ending!!
She on the other hand finds it very funny and is laughing in my face this very second and keeps correcting my grammer!
Other things that happened tonight
Does any one know what is the right amount of fake tan you should put on one leg!?
Yeah well i do, half a tube thats how much! The bitch has betrayed me again, My legs are not only tanned but they are one shade light off mahogany ---->
Also, i have to go try on a prom dress on monday, with those legs what do i do!!?
I've never been so embarassed in my life, thank God i didnt put it on my FACE!
Finally, the most humiliating of all, she thought it would be a good idea to put a plaster on my eyebrow and then rip it off! I now have one large stripe down the middle of my eyebrow!! NOT GOOD! Now i look like a lesbian with one eyebrow!
I will go to bed tonight being ashamed of being in my own skin!
Not only am i annoyed but im pissed off!
I can't believe it! I loved that book and now i know the ending!!
She on the other hand finds it very funny and is laughing in my face this very second and keeps correcting my grammer!
Other things that happened tonight
Does any one know what is the right amount of fake tan you should put on one leg!?

Yeah well i do, half a tube thats how much! The bitch has betrayed me again, My legs are not only tanned but they are one shade light off mahogany ---->
Also, i have to go try on a prom dress on monday, with those legs what do i do!!?
I've never been so embarassed in my life, thank God i didnt put it on my FACE!
Finally, the most humiliating of all, she thought it would be a good idea to put a plaster on my eyebrow and then rip it off! I now have one large stripe down the middle of my eyebrow!! NOT GOOD! Now i look like a lesbian with one eyebrow!
I will go to bed tonight being ashamed of being in my own skin!
Vickie's Version
Well to start off with, IT WAS NOT MY FAULT that she put half a tube of fake tan on her legs!!
By the time she had asked me how much to put on she was already in the process of ladelling it on, so in other words she was doomed from the word go, and it was all HER FAULT!!
Secondly i thought she had finished the book it was an honest mistake, anyone could have done it. On the other hand me then carrying on with the telling of the ending was not so innocent :)
Plus her grammar is appauling!!
Finally the plaster idea was all hers. She thought it would be a good idea to stick a plaster inbetween her brows and rip it off whilst I filmed it. This was a great success (well for me anyway). Then she said why not on my eyebrow and I clearly remember me saying "Don't!" but of course, she did it anyway in her own little bubble of weirdness. Although it was hilarious :):)
And by the by she is now sitting next to me drawing a heart and a smiley face on her thigh in fake tan. Whos side are you on now?
Comments please. Whos side are YOU on?
lots of love Gemma and Vickss
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Love Story
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony of summer air
See the lights,
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said:
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they know
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said:
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real,
Don't be afraid
We'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes, oh,
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town I said:
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knealt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said:
Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony of summer air
See the lights,
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said:
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they know
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said:
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real,
Don't be afraid
We'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes, oh,
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town I said:
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knealt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said:
Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes
Love This Song X
Thursday, 5 February 2009

Me top right however was the unfortunate one who drew the last king! :(
All you need is a deck of cards and a rather large cup in the middle. Of course you also need the alcohol, we had vodka but added it to Fanta Fruit Twist, this way the game doesn't end to quickly.
"You" - The player picks someone who must then drink.
"Me" - The player who drew the card takes a drink.
"whores" - girls drink
"high" - last one to put their hand in the air drinks
"Dicks" - Guys drink.
"waterfall" - All players begin drinking simultaneously. When the player that drew the Jack stops drinking, the person to his/her left may stop at any time. When they stop, it continues on to the next person. The last person obviously gets screwed.
"Pick a mate" - Player A who draws this card chooses player B who then has to drink whenever PLayer A has to drink for whatever reason. If Player B also draws this card, he/she may choose a PLayer C who would have to drink whenever Player B drinks who has to drink whenever Player A drinks. It can be formed into a huge chain where one certain player having to drink causes all the other players to have to follow. This rule lasts the entire game.
"Bust a Rhyme" - Player says a word, followed by the player on the right who must rhyme with the first word. Play continues in a circle until someone cannot rhyme or takes too long. Last person drinks.
"Make a Rule" - Pick a rule, such as no using names, no pointing, no swearing, double drinks, must make sexual noise before drinking, etc. Any player that does not follow the rule, drinks one. Each successive Ten makes another rule, all other rules continue as well.
"Categories" - Player picks a category (types of beer, car manufacturers, people in the room...) and moving in a circle everyone says something in that category until something is repeated or a player cannot think of an example. That person then drinks
"Questions" - Player asks any other player a question, that person must then answer that question with another question directed toward any player. First person to NOT ask a question or stumble at forming a question drinks
"Kings Cup" - Player must pour as much or as little as desired into the cup in the middle of the table. Last king drawn must empty their remaining drink into the cup, and drink all of it. The game is over when this happens
"Social" - Everyone drinks!
Have Fun Playing :)
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Ever since my parents split up there has been nothing but trouble, yet i suppose it has worked out for the best. I have the most amazing step dad, and the most amazing step family, so loving and caring. Whereas with my step mum's family it's completely different, whenever I am with them i feel like i don't belong. They all live in big houses and have lots of money, they take everything for granted.
Recently my dad had to moved up to Bristol, because his wife Sarah got a new job. Ever since this happened there has been non stop arguments and fall outs, and i cant help but think, 'if only' they ever moved, or better still 'if only' they never got divorced.
My dad doesn't feel like my dad anymore, sometimes i wish Paul my step dad is.
Whereas before my Dad would always be supportive of my football and all my other sport, but now i just think he can't be fucked with it anymore. I feel that he sees it as a chore watching me play.!
A couple of weeks before Christmas i fell out with him. It was the lowest point in my life, i was depressed, i was seeing a councilor at the school and worst of all i started smoking, and with all my sport i was ruining my life. My sports teacher was concerned for my health and was certainly worried about me, after all what was she going to do without her star goalkeeper and goalshooter.
I soon stopped smoking i was determined to not let my fucking step mum win!! After all it is all her fault!
The arrangement to see my dad was always the same, every month i would go to Bristol for one weekend, and for another weekend he would come to Reading and we would either stay with friends or stay in an apartment in the centre of Reading. This arrangement did work out for a few months but, i soon was becoming bored with the fact that i would miss football training and i was also miss out on friends parties and social events.
I didn't see why i had to suffer after all i wasn't the one that moved. I then began to only see my Dad once a month. I wasn't really happy with this though i wanted to see more of my dad. I asked my dad if he would be willing to come down twice a month, and to be honest i didn't think that was a lot to ask for, but he refused saying that he didn't want to live out of a suitcase.... i didn't understand, because i have to live out a suitcase every time i see him. After that we fell out and everything turned sour, i didn't speak to him for almost 4 weeks. I was starting to wonder whether i was ever going to see my dad again. This went on for a couple of months. And in this time i wasn't myself, my school grades were going down and i was smoking and drinking nearly every friday night.
After a couple of months we made up, he finally agreed to come down twice a month although, one of those weekends he would only come down for one day, which personally i don't see the point of. I spent new year with him, we didn't do much but i suppose i had a nice time.
Last weekend was the weekend after mocks and i really wanted to go shopping with my best friend, i asked my dad that if on the saturday from 10 till 1, me and vickie could go shopping. He said no..
He then went on to say that 'I obviously would rather see my friends than see him' and to be honest that is so fucking true..!! He then added that to say that 'if you see vickie then I will not come down to see you in two weekends time'. How childish is that!!
After that conversation i was seriously starting to consider who was the actually child in that conversation. He hasn't phoned me in over a week now. It's all kicked of again, but to be honest I'm not going to worry cause i know how much of TWAT he can really be. He's just not worth my tears.
Lets just see how long this lasts for.... STUPID SHITTY LIFE!!
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