Monday, 11 May 2009

:O Only 4 Days Left

I can not believe how quickly school has gone past, the best 5 years of my life!
Made so many awesome freinds that i know i will stay close to!! It's a piss take to be honest, never really did any work, up until till now. REVISION REVISION REVISION,,,, Oh wait and a bit more revision!!
School has been awesome though!! Along the years I have picked up so many sporting trophys it's ridiculous!! I think I counted 20, and nearly all of them were gold!! :D
Hey ho, I will miss Robert May's soo much, I hate change! College is going to be so difficult.! But I can't wait for the partyssss!! Wooop Woooooop.
Hmmmmmm anywaysss I'm off to bedddd!!

P.s Dougg sorry i took your sharpy I will give it to you tomorow trust :)


  1. I second the hating change!

  2. I'm inclined to agree with you, but change is what keeps life interesting, after all, how many friends have you made that didn't go to your junior school?

  3. All of them cause I used to live in Staines!

  4. I cant wait to get out off that hell hole ...
