Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Should I Tell Someone?

If someone told me that a friend of mine, his sister was getting bullied at her primary school, should I take the responsibility to tell her parents, even if today when I saw her at an athletics tournament she seemed to be happy and cheerful to me??
However, being a sports coach, I feel that I know have an even bigger responsibility because I used to coach her?
Should I take a blind eye pretend I never heard anything and continue to let her get bullied or should I say something?
But what if i am wrong and she is fine and I get the person who told me in deep trouble. That person is very close to me, sister of my best friend to be precise and she's much younger too which means she probably doesn't understand!

Hmmmmmm..... Shitttttttttttttttt.

1 comment:

  1. ask the person who you think might be getting bullied if they are being bullied, say what their options are and let them decide, but that's just me.
