Not only am i annoyed but im pissed off!
I can't believe it! I loved that book and now i know the ending!!
She on the other hand finds it very funny and is laughing in my face this very second and keeps correcting my grammer!
Other things that happened tonight
Does any one know what is the right amount of fake tan you should put on one leg!?

Yeah well i do, half a tube thats how much! The bitch has betrayed me again, My legs are not only tanned but they are one shade light off mahogany ---->
Also, i have to go try on a prom dress on monday, with those legs what do i do!!?
I've never been so embarassed in my life, thank God i didnt put it on my FACE!
Finally, the most humiliating of all, she thought it would be a good idea to put a plaster on my eyebrow and then rip it off! I now have one large stripe down the middle of my eyebrow!! NOT GOOD! Now i look like a lesbian with one eyebrow!
I will go to bed tonight being ashamed of being in my own skin!
Vickie's Version
Well to start off with, IT WAS NOT MY FAULT that she put half a tube of fake tan on her legs!!
By the time she had asked me how much to put on she was already in the process of ladelling it on, so in other words she was doomed from the word go, and it was all HER FAULT!!
Secondly i thought she had finished the book it was an honest mistake, anyone could have done it. On the other hand me then carrying on with the telling of the ending was not so innocent :)
Plus her grammar is appauling!!
Finally the plaster idea was all hers. She thought it would be a good idea to stick a plaster inbetween her brows and rip it off whilst I filmed it. This was a great success (well for me anyway). Then she said why not on my eyebrow and I clearly remember me saying "Don't!" but of course, she did it anyway in her own little bubble of weirdness. Although it was hilarious :):)
And by the by she is now sitting next to me drawing a heart and a smiley face on her thigh in fake tan. Whos side are you on now?
Comments please. Whos side are YOU on?
lots of love Gemma and Vickss
Always on Gemma's side, especially if you are going to diss me as well. Her grammar is fine, thank you very much. As for the whole book spoiling thing: 1. how cold can you be ruining a book on someone. 2. It was her homework to finish reading it over half term, not my fault she didn't do it yet.
ReplyDeleteGrammar! Grammar! What the hell does "whos" mean? Do you mean whos as in "whose line is it anyway" which would be "WHOSE"? or whos as in "who is" which would be "Who's"???????
ReplyDeletenote: you mean the first one, just incase you don't know.
Yeah thanks Doug, i say we make an 'I HATE VICTORIA THOMSON CLUB' what you thinking??
ReplyDeleteVickie was so mean to me that night. Im distraught about Of Mice And Men! I love that book! Is it really true about George and Lennie? :'(
Let's just pray to God that she doesn't ruin A Gathering Light. I still haven't started that by the way.
BTW it wasn't me who messed up who's/whose thing that was vickie, sorry to name drop
well im with gemma on the book thing, but gem, plastering your eyebrows? seriously!? Nah, that's your fault, not vicky's.
ReplyDeleteI'm on Vickie's side about everything except the book, I mean, Gemma what glue were you sniffing when you thought that half a tube was the right amount! and what made you want to rip your eyebrows off with a plaster anyway? Vickie ruining the ending of a book for someone is one of the coldest things you can do, just under throwing someone's cat off a bridge and just above "misreading" someone's name on the register