Me top right however was the unfortunate one who drew the last king! :(
All you need is a deck of cards and a rather large cup in the middle. Of course you also need the alcohol, we had vodka but added it to Fanta Fruit Twist, this way the game doesn't end to quickly.
"You" - The player picks someone who must then drink.
"Me" - The player who drew the card takes a drink.
"whores" - girls drink
"high" - last one to put their hand in the air drinks
"Dicks" - Guys drink.
"waterfall" - All players begin drinking simultaneously. When the player that drew the Jack stops drinking, the person to his/her left may stop at any time. When they stop, it continues on to the next person. The last person obviously gets screwed.
"Pick a mate" - Player A who draws this card chooses player B who then has to drink whenever PLayer A has to drink for whatever reason. If Player B also draws this card, he/she may choose a PLayer C who would have to drink whenever Player B drinks who has to drink whenever Player A drinks. It can be formed into a huge chain where one certain player having to drink causes all the other players to have to follow. This rule lasts the entire game.
"Bust a Rhyme" - Player says a word, followed by the player on the right who must rhyme with the first word. Play continues in a circle until someone cannot rhyme or takes too long. Last person drinks.
"Make a Rule" - Pick a rule, such as no using names, no pointing, no swearing, double drinks, must make sexual noise before drinking, etc. Any player that does not follow the rule, drinks one. Each successive Ten makes another rule, all other rules continue as well.
"Categories" - Player picks a category (types of beer, car manufacturers, people in the room...) and moving in a circle everyone says something in that category until something is repeated or a player cannot think of an example. That person then drinks
"Questions" - Player asks any other player a question, that person must then answer that question with another question directed toward any player. First person to NOT ask a question or stumble at forming a question drinks
"Kings Cup" - Player must pour as much or as little as desired into the cup in the middle of the table. Last king drawn must empty their remaining drink into the cup, and drink all of it. The game is over when this happens
"Social" - Everyone drinks!
Have Fun Playing :)
love it Gems