Monday, 2 March 2009

It's Only Fair.

Well i suppose it's only fair that i talk for ages about my love for Suzanne Richards, she is arguably the greatest friend anyone could possibly have! :) I love her to bits and will certainly miss her when she goes to college, although I'm sure we will keep in touch!! 

Suz is the one i talk sports with, we play football together on a Sunday morning, and she's awesome.... Even if i did take her place on the football team as the keeper, (sorry for that but your certainly better out pitch!!)  

In the summer we do a bit rounders.  The throw that girl has got his bloody amazing if i don't say so myself, and the hit jeese man that is solid!!  Oh, wait i cant forget about are frisbee challenge experience! :D I suppose you could say that I'm better at her than football, netball, badminton and basketball... but frisbee challenge i certainly am not!  (just kidding about me being better at football, netball, badminton and basketball, even though i probably am! JOKES!!)

I never thought i could say as many things as i have done, I could write a million other things but I'm sure this will do for now! :) Just now about my sporting legend, but the matter is i do love this girl 100%, and will certainly miss her when we go our separate ways!! :(:(

Finally, one more thing i would like to say, I'm so lucky to have met her she is a true hero and will never forget her.

She's a great Friend! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww gems thats so sweet, I'm gunna have to write something blummin amazing to top that :) but no way are you better than me at football, maybe at keeping, but on pitch you are outdone missy! Will definitely miss you when we go to college, but we're gunna keep in touch, thats for sure :)
