Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Sex Ed Vs Pornography
Hmmm should indecent pictures of mens penises be shown on the T.V at 9? Who cares!! The Sex Education show is one of the best programmes I have ever see. It's absolutely genius, so funny..... With grandma's talking about vibrators and sex toys, I can't think of anything more worthwhile watching! Fellow friends please watch it tomorrow it is so good!! :D Channel 4, 9PM Do it!!
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Worst Day Ever!
My day simply couldn't have been any worse!
The pressure to do everything has just got to me too much! People just expect me to everything, when it is not physically possible, and even with having a back so bad I need to see a physio twice a month, some people still think it's okay for me to continue playing. I do indeed love my sport but I can not do after school revision and matches at the same time, especially when people are giving up there time to help me. After all my exams are in two months.
What do i do? I really don't wanna let down my teams they mean the world to me. I guess right now I'm gonna have to do things for me for a change and do what I want to do.
Let's just hope everyone understands!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Reading Fest.
Somebody's going to Reading Festival...... Well that would be me! :)
Woop, I can't actually wait. Me and my two best friends Jamie and Jake will leave for Reading on August 23rd around 6 o'clock to get the train from Winchfield station to reading. Were we will walk to the festival, and then finally at around 12 o'clock midnight we will return to jamie's house were i will kip for the night!.
It's is gonna be so good. Hopefully we will be rocking out to Blink 182 but its not certain just yet. Although that could be pretty cool!!
A day of watching people getting drunk and getting high what could be more fun!!??
Will anyone else be attending the Festival??
Friday, 20 March 2009
Metro Station.
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, Shh Shake It!.
So here it is my new favorite band, Metro Station. Jimmy Eat World however are still there, up at the top doing me proud. Loving them always! :D
When i was asked to go and listen to Metro Station I was not very convinced about them. However, after searching through Spotify (thanks doug that website is awesome) I listened to there only album, and fell in love almost suddenly. The first song i listened to was 'Shake It'.
No joke you need to go and listen to them, they're so good! Just up my street :D
Go Search There Awesome
Thursday, 19 March 2009
ICT Coursework Finished!! :D WOOP
Ah yeah! Finally it's all finished and I'm free to work on the subjects that actually mean something to me. Geography, P.e, Science, English ;) and Maths.
Im sorry but Ethics has to be the most pointless subject in the world. Actually that is unfair, ethics isn't pointless it teaches you about drugs and abortions but the rest is all bullshit!! It causes me frustration.... and well embarrassment, because when i ever get my results back it's either a G, or a high scoring F! Hate it!!
Damn you ethics.......!
Revision all the way now, I'm gonna try my hardest get the best grades i possibly can, well hopefully anyway, and with a little bit of help i should be on my way! Off to college and well hopefully to Loughborough Uni to study P.E and Geography. Finally become a P.E teacher.
Im Dreaming Big, But Miracles Can Always Happen!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Shrine Post
Today I have realized that my friends mean the absolute world to me, I'm so lucky to have them! They keep me on track and let me no when I am being an absolute TIT.
It has taken me a complete age to think of someone to be put in the spotlight, and to be properly admired for what they have achieved. However, i have come up with the conclusion that no one deserves this more than my friends and the people who mean so much to me!!
Well maybe i have been a complete idiot for a while, i suppose you could call me whatever name you wanted. But at the end of the day, who doesn't have stress in their life?!
If you do have stress don't turn to cigarettes like I did! What was i thinking? Seriously, i don't think i was thinking properly when i came up with that genius idea!!
Today has to be the worst day of my entire life, I cant think of anything worse then falling out with people and being scared that I would loose my place in the netball team (it means so much to me). I deserved it though I have to be honest!
Im loosing track on everything, I need to start concentrating on my school work more. NO one likes the new Gemma, well i certainly don't thats for sure! Sport, school and friends needs to come first over everything from now on, not necessarily in that order!!
After having a chat with my two most valued sports teachers, i have learnt that smoking is not the answer to everything and that staying positive and being the real me is the way forward.
I have my friends to thank for everything and that is why i believe they deserve to be in my shrine post, I love them so very much and can't stop thinking of ways in which i should thank them!
I have learnt a lot today. Always put my sport first, it means so much to me, why ruin it? I also need to put more effort in my school work, just like my favorite english teacher EVER said to the class today (I'm so sorry for being a pain, you'll notice a change i promise, no more walks before lessons) Well, finally, my friends, I'm so lucky to have you guys and from now on I will always value your opinion! Thank you for being there. I Love You.
So there it is, it has taken me a while to come to the conclusion of who deserves it the most, but i believe that all the people mentioned in this blog deserve the spotlight! I SALUTE YOU ALL!
I hope this is good enough!????
A Change Will Happen
I Promise
Monday, 2 March 2009
It's Only Fair.
Suz is the one i talk sports with, we play football together on a Sunday morning, and she's awesome.... Even if i did take her place on the football team as the keeper, (sorry for that but your certainly better out pitch!!)
In the summer we do a bit rounders. The throw that girl has got his bloody amazing if i don't say so myself, and the hit jeese man that is solid!! Oh, wait i cant forget about are frisbee challenge experience! :D I suppose you could say that I'm better at her than football, netball, badminton and basketball... but frisbee challenge i certainly am not! (just kidding about me being better at football, netball, badminton and basketball, even though i probably am! JOKES!!)
I never thought i could say as many things as i have done, I could write a million other things but I'm sure this will do for now! :) Just now about my sporting legend, but the matter is i do love this girl 100%, and will certainly miss her when we go our separate ways!! :(:(
Finally, one more thing i would like to say, I'm so lucky to have met her she is a true hero and will never forget her.
She's a great Friend!
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